
The Rotary Club of Seven Springs is an organization of local business and professional leaders united with other clubs worldwide, who together provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. We meet every Thursday morning at 7:30am in the beautiful Seven Springs Country Club in New Port Richey, FL.

The Rotary motto, Service Above Self conveys the humanitarian spirit of our members. Strong fellowship among Rotarians and meaningful local and international service projects characterize Rotary worldwide. Our club supports and partners with local organizations like Metropolitan Ministries of Pasco, Mitchell High School, Seven Springs Elementary School, Pack-A-Sack and Adopt-A-Road. And, internationally, we provided vital cancer imaging equipment to a charity hospital in Brazil and support a school in Belize that provides critical services to significantly impoverished children.

The Rotary Club of Seven Springs is always looking for dedicated, community-minded business professionals to help our club achieve its goals. As a Seven Springs Rotarian, you will be expected to attend at least 60% of all weekly meetings or make up at another Rotary Club meeting, participate in community service projects, fundraisers and fellowship events as well as lend your time and talent to the goals and projects of the Club.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Seven Springs Rotary Club, contact our Membership Chair at membership@7springsrotary.org.